Fruit Bats


Monday & Thursday, 9.30am - 11.30am
over 50s

Term 1: 1 February – 28 March (9 weeks)
Term 2: 18 April – 27 June (10 weeks)
Term 3: 18 July – 19 September (10 weeks)
Term 4: 10 October – 12 December (10 weeks)


Term 1: $175.50
Term 2, 3 & 4: $195.00
Casual pass: $19.50 per class

Fruit Bats run self-directed additional training on Monday mornings. There will be no class on Thursday 25 April.


Fruit Bats is an ensemble of keen over 50s who meet weekly to build their core strength, stability, hand-eye coordination and circus skills. Fruit Bats focus on circus skills that support falls prevention, bone strengthening and balance skills, all while having a lot of fun.

Fruit Bats is accredited with NSW Government Active & Healthy Program for Seniors Falls Prevention.

For more information about joining Fruit Bats, please contact us on 02 6043 0777.