Support Us

Empowering Australia’s young people through circus


Support the Extraordinary

The Flying Fruit Fly Foundation is a registered not-for-profit charity with deductible gift recipient status. Managed by our board of directors, the foundation’s mission is to:

  • Empower young people through creativity
  • Remove barriers to participation in circus
  • Innovate circus as an artform

A donation to the Foundation supports us to inspire the creative futures of Australia’s young people.


You can also contact us directly about different levels of support including corporate sponsorship and bequests. Email or call 02 6043 0777.

As Australia’s National Youth Circus we work with children from our region and around Australia, often helping them to discover a positive focus and a range of talents and abilities that they haven’t been able to find elsewhere in their lives.

The circus space is a uniquely creative, supportive, non-competitive environment that engenders trust and mutual respect. It is a place where young people can shine regardless of their personal circumstances or background. Our training creates healthy, fit, confident, well-rounded young people and develops their life-skills for the future.

We are passionately committed to ensuring our aspiring young artists fulfill their ambitions and follow their dreams. We can only achieve this with your help.